Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheerfully and with patience...

We found out Monday that a national chain hair salon and submitted an application to the same retail space I had (it wasn't quite the Happy Birthday news I had been looking for).  Unfortunately, they submitted first.  When I questioned my agent, he said, "During negotionations, they did say someone else was looking at it, but I hear that all the time.  I guess it wasn't a ploy."  UGH!  The landlord offered 2 other locations located in the same plaza.  One is upstairs and a tad bit smaller, the other is downstairs and bigger.  My knee-jerk reaction was I am so going with the downstairs one.  I don't want to go upstairs and I didn't really like the space and there were a dozen other reasons.  So we began negotiations on that space. 

The next two nights I prayed over this decision again.  As "J" & I read our scriptures before bed I kept waiting for that inspiration aha moment where I would know the answer.  This morning as I was doing my usual scramble, again I thought about just not getting any answers that I felt really good about.  I didn't know what to do.  After a great morning playing tennis - it always seems to clear my mind - as I was driving home it hit me.  The upstairs location.  As I thought about it and what it had to offer, that feel good moment hit.  The feeling that I didn't have even as we were in negotiations for the other space.  I called "J" and said - HONEY!  I know this is crazy and we've already worked so hard on this other space, but I want to take the upstairs place.  As usual, my loving husband just listens to my antics, hears my reasons why, and without question says, I'll call the agent.  I had an appointment in 2 hours and he was leaving to go out of town for the next 3 days, so for us to see it - a lot had to happen considering the listing agent lives 6 hours away.  30 minutes later - our agent called, had gotten a key, and we were on our way to see the space. 

This is where things aren't so great. The space is in terrible shape and will need to be gutted and rebuilt out.  Even with all the added work, it still felt good and right.  So we put in our offer for this space and the waiting game begins again.  This afternoon I get an update call stating the Landlord is out of town until next week.  Oh my heck!  What a test of my patience. 

Tonight as I read through a talk given by Elder L. Whitney Clayton at General Conference, he talks about Alma in the Book of Mormon and how the Lord will give us strength and support, in His own time and way (that is the tough part).  He shares a scripture in Alma:  "And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." 

What jumped out at me on this scripture is not only do we have to have patience, for the Lord works in his own time, but again we are promised that our burdens will be made light and we can handle them with ease.  The biggest part was how Alma submitted "cheerfully and with patience."  Patience is not so easy for me, being cheerfully patient is usually not how I will be described.  But his has given me a gentle reminder to be cheerful and patient.

It is a good thing that the rest of the week will be super busy.  Thursday I have a tennis match, the twins have gymnastics, & "W" will need to be picked up from wrestling.  Friday "W" & I will be leaving early for Jacksonville, FL where the 2 day Regionals wrestling tournament is being held.  We'll end Saturday with the Gold & Green ball.  Somewhere in their I need to prepare for Sunday - I am teaching the lesson in Relief Society.

On a fun note, Central Park by Kate Spain arrived today!  I love her fabric designs - those little animals are so dang cute!

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